Friday, February 17, 2012


I do not want to write a sonnet now
They are to hard to write and make no sense
When i recite one all the people bow
And when i say it i get pretty tense
Sonnets make other people happy though
I wish i could find happiness in them
But i don't get how and they are so
I would say one if the lights were so dim

And the only reason i am so scared
I think i might have got a bad stage fright
And i am oh so very unprepared
I should make a sonnet so i might

Or maybe i just wont cause i don't care
it's so hard im gonna pull out my hair

Monday, February 6, 2012


What is money
is it something you spend
something you lend
or even borrow from a friend
how much can you have
how much can you spend
is a dollar worth a dollar

What happens to a car
when it runs to of gas
or gets in a crash
what about when you go over the speed limit
and  drive to fast
put it in park
or shift gears to drive
take off
in your brand new car

Friday, February 3, 2012

artwork reflection

     The artist that I have chose is Paul Klee. He was very talented he did not know what he wanted to be. One day he had to choose out of music and art. This was a very important time in his life because he was passionate about both of the two. At the end he obviously chose art. He was such an unusual artist at the time he painted things that other artist thought were weird. I found his art really interesting because it was unique and kind of loud. Its kind of like his painting had music in it.
    One painting that really caught my eye was the oil painting Paul Klee did. There was no white on this picture every inch of the canvas was covered with a color. I also like how he used lots of different colors and combined them into one image.Then he played with shapes in his image.It looked like he put shapes together to make one head.