Sunday, October 30, 2011

hard times

Money Hungry By: Sharon G. Flakes
   Money hungry is about a 13 year old girl who biggest fear is going broke and living on the streets. She thought some how she would manage a "job" and school. I like Raseberry as a character because the only thing she tried to do was make things easier for her mother during struggling moments. One way she did this was sell pencils and candy during school hours. To me she was real determined to help her mother out.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


   Kevin and max needed each other. There bond was so strong, even though they were two different people they needed each other to be one whole. Max was the legs of the operation, Kevin was the brains together they were Freak The Mighty.In the book when they went to see the fire works this was a great example of when they needed each other. Kevin needed Max to hold him up on his shoulders in order to see the fire works.Max needed Kevin in order to escape from the gang of boys. I kind of have the same relation ship with my younger sister.We may argue with each other but i don't know what life would be like with out her.