Friday, January 27, 2012


 In my book "The Pool" strange things happen at this "hotel". The workers got an letter in the mail from a hotel they never heard of accepting them to work there.When they got there they were told there was no manger, they started questioning how are there workers with no managers? Wait that's not only the strange thing that happen people started dying or being seriously injured. Chemicals were thrown in people face, diving boards were breaking , people were being sucked down the drain and killed. The workers started thinking about the weird things that were happening and they found the reason behind it. It was a skeleton haunting the hotel and she wanted people to suffer the way she did when she was killed at a pool party.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

reflection to the hoopster

    The book "The Hoopster" is about a boy named Andre. Andre     must manage school,work,and he likes to play pick up basketball games.
  When reading "The Hoopster" I observed how Andre boss was kind of trying to force him to write about racism. Andres boss main focus looked like he wanted to get Andre to write about slavery and nothing else. Andre had to tell him a million reasons why he cant write about racism. He feels like it doesn't affect him and he cant write about nothing he doesn't have emotion for. I feel like what Andre did was right because he stood up for something he didn't want to do. He kind of took action because if his boss wanted to he could have fired him for not listening.  
       This is one thing i noticed while reading "The Hoopster". One thing i learned is to stand up for your self.

Friday, January 6, 2012


The book i am reading now is called "The Scariest Stories You've Ever Heard" its a horror book.The book is about an old myth about an abandoned house. People basically sat around a campfire and told the story about this haunted house.The group of teens did not believe it they wanted to see it for there self (like idiots).The night they went to the house they started seeing funny shadows and wolves running around the house.They started to become scared when they started dis-appearing one by one.