Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Jamie Hubley, a gay 15-year-old from Ottawa, Canada, committed suicide on Friday.
The 10th grade student documented his life, including his depression and the hardships of being a gay teen, in a blog, reports the Ottawa Citizen.
The blog, called "You Can't Break... When You're Already Broken" featured posts with numerous references to and photos of self harm and cutting, pictures of guys kissing and mentions of wanting a boyfriend, and bleak, ominous messages like "Sometimes I wish the breeze would just take me with it," "The only thing worse than being hated is being ignored. At least when they hate you they treat you like you exist," and "Suicides is always an option."
Other posts revealed how difficult school was for Hubley:
"I hate being the only open gay guy in my school… It f***ing sucks, I really want to end it. Like all of it, I not getting better theres 3 more years of highschool left, Iv been on 4 different anti -depressants, none of them worked. I’v been depressed since january, How f***ing long is this going to last. People said “It gets better”. Its f***ing bull****. I go to see psychologist, What the f*** are they suppost to f***ing do? All I do is talk about problems, it doesnt make them dissapear?? I give up."
His last post, which he wrote on Friday, paints a heartbreaking portrait of a boy looking for -- and ultimately unable to find -- acceptance:
Im a casualty of love.
Well, Im tired of life really. Its so hard, Im sorry, I cant take it anymore.
First Id like to mention my friends Nancy, Abby, Colleen, jemma, and Kasia
Being sad is sad : /. I’v been like this for way to long. I cant stand school, I cant stand earth, I cant stand society, I cant stand the scars on my arms, I cant f***ing stand any f***ing thing.
I dont want my parents to think this is their fault either… I love my mom and dad : ) Its just too hard. I dont want to wait 3 more years, this hurts too much. How do you even know It will get better? Its not.
I hit rock f***ing bottom, fell through a crack, now im stuck.
My favorite singers were lady gaga , Adele , Katy perry, and Jessie james, Christina aguilara and most of all I think KASIA!!! I LOVED Singing, and she helped me a lot : ) Im not that good at it though :”/, Im going to miss you guys(well You know who you are, But to the people who didnt like me (many) A big f*** you, Go ride a unicorn. But w/e I love you anyway.)
Remember me as a Unicorn :3 x) MAybe in my next life Il be a flying squirreel :D
Il fly away.
"From the outside, he looked like the happiest kid. He was always smiling and giving everybody hugs in the halls,” said Steph Wheeler, a close friend of Hubley's.
"I just remember him wanting a boyfriend so bad, he’d always ask me to find a boy for him. I think he wanted someone to love him for who he was,” she said.
A Facebook page dedicated to Hubley has been set up and students are planning a memorial performance in his honor.
Hubley's death comes just weeks after American teen Jamey Rodemeyer committed suicide after being bullied for being gay.
While many, including Lady Gaga who has called for bullying to be made illegal and Dan Savage who began the It Gets Better campaign, are working to help gay teens, sadly, it's obvious there remains much work to be done.
Update on October 18 at 8:54am ET: Hubley's father, Ottawa city councillor Allan Hubley,released a statement last night saying that his son was bullied in school and that his family believes it was a factor in his suicide. Discussing a "Rainbow Club" that Jamie tried to start at his high school to promote acceptance of others, Allan Hubley said:
"The posters were torn down and he was called vicious names in the hallways and online... We will not say that the bullying was the only reason for James's decision to take his own life but it was definitely a factor...We hope from our tragedy others will become more active in stopping this cruelty towards children."

 This article really showed a case of what bullying can lead to.Some people need to understand that everybody is equal and should not be judge differently because of there sexual orientation.Some people just do it for fun but don't know that it can hurt some one deep down.I can make bullying into a a picture book by showing two of the same animals not getting along because one have a longer tail.

Monday, November 21, 2011


They try to seperate us
i'm educated
minimum wage work hard for days
kick back and relax
run away from the whips like im on a track
don't do no work cause i got it like that

slave days
regular= white man

Thursday, November 17, 2011


      Among The Hidden is by Margaret Peterson Haddix  its about a family with a third child. Most places having a third child is regular and is no big deal. In the book it is against  the law to have a third child. Since look is his family third child he must stay in the shadows and out of sight his whole life.One day when he was home alone while other kids were at school he saw a person in the house across the street. He started to get strange thoughts like was there some one like him out there.
   The main character Luke is strong.I don't know if i could live my whole life in the house or worry about being killed one day because i was seen.When I read the book and seen how happy Luke was when he thought he wasn't the only one living a harsh life.If i was Luke i would have ran away some place far and started a new life. It's like Luke is playing a never ending game of hide and seek.It also must have hurt when he thought he found a friend and she was killed during a rally to help kids like him.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


-Losing jobs 
-Cyber Bullying
-Gun violence
-Early Pregnancy 
    Lost of jobs is a big problem in the world we live in today.Its unfair to the people who went to college and worked hard all the years they did. It must hurt to know that what you have been doing for some years must come to end due to a budget cut.This can really hurt a family.May be only one parent worked and if they lost their job there is now no source of income towards the family.Lost of jobs are good for the government but not the people.The government saves more money so this can benefit them.
      Lost of jobs can really have a bad affect on people.Since the person is not receiving money any more they might do illegal things for it. They might steal things such as food,clothes,and money.Crime rates can go up because now people have to much free time.One possible solution is to open up jobs for people. Like if a natural disaster happen people can have a job helping re-build things.

Friday, November 11, 2011

2ND BLOG POST ! (revised)

    The book i am reading now is called TRUE TO THE GAME  By Teri Woods.This book is about a girl who feel in love with one of the biggest drug dealers.Now he must balance his life and change his ways  before its to late.
  I never thought that at the end of the book Quadir (the drug dealer) would try to leave the drug game and start over.I think the only reason he thought about leaving the drug game is so that he can spend his life with the girl he fell in love with. It probably is hard trying to spend time with some one when you have to worry about being shot every second. It's kind of like once your in you can't get out.Cause people always will try to use your past against you.I can relate to this because some people think just because you did something you know was wrong a while ago they still think your that way now. For example if you were a bully in second grade people still might think that you still are one. This is a big issue because its like you work hard to change for the better but still get judged by the bad things you did.
      Love played a huge role in my book "True To The Game". It made one of the biggest drug dealers quit his "job". Sometimes relationships can better some ones life or make it worst. In this story it made his life better, cause then he started making smarter choices. Him meeting Gena made him think about what he wants to do with the rest of his life. Or maybe he was worrying about what kind of person people would think he was when he passed.


        One good blog that i seen was written by Dania.I liked how she included her feelings when she was writing.One way she did this was by explaining the different views she good when she re-read the book.One thing that I might include in my next blog that she did is to include the lesson learned. She stated what she thought the moral was while she was reading I think that was a good thing.
     Another good blog that I read was by Davey. I liked how he did like a then and now.He mentioned how his character relation ship changed as he got deeper into the book.I think in my next blog I will include this strategy.