Friday, November 11, 2011

2ND BLOG POST ! (revised)

    The book i am reading now is called TRUE TO THE GAME  By Teri Woods.This book is about a girl who feel in love with one of the biggest drug dealers.Now he must balance his life and change his ways  before its to late.
  I never thought that at the end of the book Quadir (the drug dealer) would try to leave the drug game and start over.I think the only reason he thought about leaving the drug game is so that he can spend his life with the girl he fell in love with. It probably is hard trying to spend time with some one when you have to worry about being shot every second. It's kind of like once your in you can't get out.Cause people always will try to use your past against you.I can relate to this because some people think just because you did something you know was wrong a while ago they still think your that way now. For example if you were a bully in second grade people still might think that you still are one. This is a big issue because its like you work hard to change for the better but still get judged by the bad things you did.
      Love played a huge role in my book "True To The Game". It made one of the biggest drug dealers quit his "job". Sometimes relationships can better some ones life or make it worst. In this story it made his life better, cause then he started making smarter choices. Him meeting Gena made him think about what he wants to do with the rest of his life. Or maybe he was worrying about what kind of person people would think he was when he passed.

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